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Graphic Design

Motion Graphics


What is Motion Graphics?

The world of commercial animation is comprised of a number of fields and styles. The word “animation” is an umbrella term that includes almost anything that has movement. However, one subset of animation is confusing to some people, even though it’s all around us in the digital era: Motion Graphics. It’s so ubiquitous that it’s almost invisible — but it is a truly powerful tool when it comes to commercial animation.

In this insight article, I’ll explain what Motion Graphics is, its history, what differentiates it from other types of animation, and its importance in the advertising and design industry today.

47 seconds into this video you can see the use of motion graphics. They use motion graphics to introduce the families with there name. Throughout this video motion graphics are also used by introducing the cast, in the bottom left hand corner they introduce each cast member separate times

I am influenced by the motion graphics during the intro because the whole intro is mainly revolved around motion graphics. This is something similar i would like to learn because its a prime example of motion graphics and also a skill to learn.


I would like to learn how to make the cast member names appear while the video is playing. This would be beneficial to me because I can use this new skill to apply to my FMP. I am also very eager to learn how to get it so smooth. Watching a tutorial on this will help me achieve this goal.


My goal is to fade my name in and out of a scene like they do during tv shows to introduce and inform us who the cast members of the show is


First name and second name different colours, bright colours to make stand out

First name fade in 2 seconds before surname and then first name fade out before surname

Technical plan and research
Most useful

The first problem i found was how to change the text size so what i did was research how to do it and then i followed this tutorial.

After I followed the steps to make the animation by using this video I then wanted to change the colour of the text

This video helped me change the colour of the text to the colour I wanted. Not only was this video useful for colours it shows you how to change other things like font and size.

The next problem I found tricky was how to export my work. To figure this out I watched a video on how to export it and this was very beneficial to me because it worked

During this process the tools I used are not many but used regular. I used the opacity tool to change the fade in the text and to make it stand out more. Another tool I used was shape, I used this to make the text ramp up and ramp down what made the whole project look like it does. The offset tool was the main source to this project because this caused the fade to happen in a certain pattern and decides when it happens and what goes first. 

Final piece

I really enjoyed doing this experiment because before I wasn't as confidence on Adobe After effects but now I feel more confident to do more on it. This would also be good for my FMP because I have started to learn skills on this software and doing it as a FMP will only expand my knowledge on it.

Essential graphics’ panel in After Effects

"The Essential Graphics Panel inside of After Effects is a great workflow enhancement. It allows you to access parameters that may be spread out inside several different compositions by gathering them into one easy to reach panel. Additionally, if you work with editors, the Essential Graphics Panel can serve as a powerful way to hand off a composition for use as a template inside of Premiere Pro. Here in this movie, we'll see how we can use the panel to enhance our workflow. I've got a master composition here called Main clusters, and you can see it's comprised of a few pre-comps with this triangle animation. If we dive into the shape, cluster pre-comp, you can see that this is the bulk of the animation here and inside the Shape Move pre-comp, I've got the triangle itself"

What is the Essential Graphics Panel?

Simply put, the Essential Graphics Panel puts the motion graphics power of After Effects into any Premiere Pro editor’s hands. But not only does it give you this capability, it gives it to your whole team and your clients, all from inside your favourite NLE.

If you’re a generalist that regularly bounces between the two programs to deliver content or a Premiere Pro editor in a collaborative environment relying on motion graphics artists, then the Essential Graphics Panel has a huge potential to revolutionize your workflow. It saves time, renders, and ensures consistency in graphics packages.

I had many attempts at this and I found it very difficult. I still wanted to use my time productively so I researched into other tools such as expression, I found that this was more beneficial to me than the others.

After using After Effects to make my name appear and fade out I wanted to see if I could move an item around instead of staying in the same spot. I designed a rocket and used scale to change the size. I used the rotation tool many times during this to make the rocket switch directions. The main tools I used was rotation, scale and opacity.

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