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The Ghost effect


the ghost effect what i learnt is a simple technique made by using the Posterize Time effect to displace frames in the footage before blending clips together.



step 1, make sure you have got a fresh clip

step 2, hold down alt and drag the clip up to duplicate it

step 3, then got to the top layer and press command R to bring up the speed and duration

Step 4, Do a speed of your choice but 90 is a good speed to make it more realistic

step 5, under effect control goto opacity and change it from 100% to 50% because thats what will give it the ghosting effect

key Camera Movements

static shot

static shot captures a moment in a fixed position. This means zero movement, it is really good for dialogue and for a certain actor to have there moment in a scene.This can create a sense of they need help and they are trapped like they used in a scene for Dunkirk .


The pan

the pan rotates the camera horizontally left or right while staying in a fixed position.Pans can be used to follow a persons actions or be used to reveal information.

The tilt

the tilt lifts the camera up or down. Film workers use this to capture the verticality of a film. This can also be used to give a character dominance or vulnerability, the pan can also be used to reveal information or a character.



with zoom the camera stays in a fixed position the whole time and does not move. zoom shots change the focal length of the cameras lens. Zooming out can reveal the context around a subject. The zoom is very unnatural because eyes can not zoom in. The zoom is also key because it can zoom into certain information, they use that a lot in in horror films not only to give away certain details but to create tension. In horrors they also use something called slow zoom to create uneasiness.



The arc shot is when the camera orbits around the situation and subject. Arc shots create dynamic movement when characters may be standing completely still. Arc shots also keep our eyes on the subject in moments like intimacy,panic or heroism .

Group of friends skit

My role is the director

Samuel is the producer

Mheani is the cinematographer

Tammy is the actress


The idea: Setting: the woods Time: around 30 seconds to a minute Content: due to covid, the friends are having an overdue meetup in the woods. Due to this the actors can wear masks during the shoot. - After explaining the reason of the meeting being overdue, the actors proceed to find a credit card (the mysterious item mentioned in the brief), wondering how it got there - After wondering what to do with it (suggesting to throw it away / spend it), then decide to either spend it or throw it away / spend it (I forgot what we chose)

DSLR & The 4 Pillars


Aperture refers to the opening of a lens's diaphragm through which light passes.Aperture controls the brightness of the image that passes through the lens and falls on the image sensor.When Shooting Portraits: Aperture priority is best when you are shooting in natural light or when shooting using continuous lights.



ISO refers to the sensitivity the signal gain of the camera's sensor.ISO increases or decreases the brightness of a photograph, but also affects both grain / noise levels and dynamic range.ISO is simply a camera setting that will brighten or darken a photo. As you increase your ISO number, your photos will grow progressively brighter therefore you would use it when its dark.


Shutter Speed

the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure — the amount of light the camera takes in.when trying to capture photos of things that are moving fast, such as athletes and wildlife. Slower shutter speeds are good in low light when you need to let more light in or any time you want the effect of blur and movement.


White Balance

white balance in digital photography means adjusting colors so that the image looks more natural.The purpose of white balance is to eliminate the discoloration in an image due to certain colors in the scene having more intensity and/or a higher or lower temperature




Art block












Different schools

Lost number

Fell out with someone


Friends meet up for an overdue reunion. They stumble across a mysterious object and are unsure of its power and what to do with it.

The missing card





Great camera 

Camera was very good however was a bit shakey 

Camera work overall good including a wide range of camera angles.

Really good camera work very well done

Very well done for the first time





Good sound 

I like the text at the end


Could have used fades to smooth out the transitions

Editing was really well done

Very smooth




Was a great film 

Very good short film

A bit confusing but overall very good

Storyline was bit confusing could have been clearer

This was really good and great storyline







The Reflective Cycle 

i was asked to make a short film with the scenario of two friends meet up for a reunion.

the instructions were straight forward and i think i followed them very well.

what i done to prepare is i made a storyline and drew it out on paper so i understood exactly what i am doing and what type of shots i am going to use in each shot.


Once me and my team got to know each other better we worked really well and produced a great bit of work.We also used teams to communicate when we could not see each other.

Deciding who done what was very easy because we all knew what we wanted to do and we all got to do that.

The skills we needed to demonstrate throughout the short film was different types of shots, meaning what shot types are we using and how does it make an effect.

overall i think we worked very well as a team and we all helped each other out

the issues we faced a couple of times were when we needed to redo another shot and we were wearing different clothes so the film would look like we missed out a big part.

throughout this project i have learnt how to use adobe premier and how to make a piece of work look really good.


The Phone Call










Review Questions

i was asked to make a short film about two people who are on the phone to each other and discuss where they are going to meet.What i think went really well was how smooth the film went meaning there was no rough camera movements and it just went very smoothly. I think that is a key thing for the film because otherwise it will not look so good. Some issues we faced where as we filmed in classrooms and outside we could hear some background noises what effected our film, but other than that no issues where made. My team and i worked really well as a group because we all had many different ideas on how to make this film really good and stand out to the others.The instructions we followed was very straight forward and i think i followed them very well. To improve i would be more organised on what scene we are shooting first and write it down because when we came to filming we got a bit confused on what scene to do first.

what i done to prepare is i made a story-line and drew it out on paper so i understood exactly what i am doing and what type of shots i am going to use in each shot. 

the instructions were straight forward and i think i followed them very well.

what i done to prepare is i made a story-line and drew it out on paper so i understood exactly what i am doing and what type of shots i am going to use in each scene. The skills i have gathered  through doing this project is how to use adobe premiere and this has really helped me to make this work what i am very proud off. My part in this film was the cinematographer meaning i was behind the camera most of the time. Having this role has really taught me how to use the camera settings and has also helped me to be more confident with the camera.

In this video he talks about the various narrative theories. He also talks about the structure of films and what happens through out each part.

summarise the 3 act structure

Questions on the matrix

1.what did you like/dislike about the matrix


I thought how the characters were presented was very good and overall the storyline was really interesting. I also liked how throughout the film there are so many surprises. I liked how the narrative structure of The Matrix was different than the usual, for example, we saw the inciting incident as the main character and his environment was introduced. 



2.what elements of story structure did you recognise


at the start of the film there is an equilibrium and this continues through the film up to the climax. I recognized the hook, the inciting incident and the protagonist refusing the call to action during The Matrix.


3.what was the world in which Todd had equilibrium


The equilibrium at the beginning of the story was when Neo was in the Matrix before the inciting incident.


4.what was the inciting incident


 The inciting incident in The Matrix was when the protagonist Neo was contacted by the resistance via his computer, "Wake up Neo."

when neo was captured because this is when the story really starts.  


5.what conflict was embedded in the story and in the character


throughout the film neo has conflict about if he is "the one".The conflict embedded in the story of The Matrix is that most of the human race is stuck in the Matrix and the unplugged humans need to rescue them and defeat the agents. The conflict embedded in the character is that Morpheus believes that Neo is the one but Neo doesn't believe that he is the one.

​ did they feed intro/from each other


Neo doesn't know if he is the one and Morphius has almost convinced Neo and the other rebels that he is the one . After the oracle tells Neo he is not the one , Neo was been told he will have to sacrifice his own life to save Morphises or , Morphius will sacrifice his life for Neo because he believes he is the one. 





7.did we return to a new equilibrium? how?


Yes the film returns to a new equilibrium as Neo now knows the he is the one and is ready to defeat the agents and save the human race, after he successfully defeated Agent Smith. 
















matrix ss wix.PNG


Luke, male 17

enjoys sports (basketball)

works at food store (stacks shelves)

wears sport shirts and shorts, trainers (white) (puma)

the courses he does are sport and business 

lives with his auntie and uncle (parents dead) 

he has a older sister called Trish



Jenny, female 14

enjoys art (rothco)

helps out at a animal shelter ( feeds them)

wears a cardigan with black boots 

the courses she does are art and graphic design

lives in a small semi dettached house

lives with mum dad and grandma 





Amara ,female 18

enjoys parties, shopping 

has no job ( rich parents) , spoilt 

wears  joggers 

lives in a mansion with dad and mum

only child (spoilt)

very attractive

has boyfriend called jack





The students Amara,Jenny and Luke are in detention. Luke and Amara want to escape but jenny refuses to let them go or be apart of it or she will snitch. Luke and Amara want to sneak out so they can go see there friends but if they do they are worried Jenny will snitch. They try to figure out a way so jenny will not snitch.

Script writing/short film questions, WHIPLASH

what we learn about each character

we learn that Andrew the drummer is a hard worker. We learn this by seeing him playing the drums at night sweating because he has been trying so hard. We also learn that the guy who walks in is looking for the best players out there, we know this because Andrew is an amazing drummer but the guy who was viewing him was not impressed because he left . He is a hard man to impress .We learn that the protagonist's name is Andrew, he is a first year music student who wants to be a drummer. We learn from the script that he has been drumming for several years, when watching the film we assume this from his talent.


How is this scene entertaining 

it was entertaining because it started off with a black screen with drums building up to something and we don't know what it is building up to. It was also entertaining because the first shot was a long shot of Andrew on a drum kit, we had no information what he was doing and why he was doing it. We just got thrown into the middle making the audience feel like we missed something hence why it was entertaining because we want to know what's going on.

PROJECT Scriptwriting

TASK 1.Project, Choosing scripts

Script writing research


Genre horror

The scrips I have chose are Annabelle and IT because in these films a lot happens and I am interested to find out how this has been displayed on the script 



Annabelle - 

PAGE.1.The fist script I researched was Annabelle. The first words said in the script is "A MONSTROUS GARGOYLE". Some think that the gargoyles' angry faces were meant to scare away evil spirits and protect the building. Others think that scary gargoyles were placed on churches to remind people that there is evil in the world, so they should enter the church often and live a good life. Gargoyle's'' are sentient, cunning, and malevolent to the extreme meaning the script has already grabbed your attention because it talks about evil straight away. The first couple of lines introduce Father Perez , they tell us that he is  late 40s, of flesh and bone and he's 
standing at the pulpit. Straight away the script has told us about him and has given us details to paint the scene in our heads.

 IT  -


Page 1 I'm every nightmare you ever had! I am your worst dream come true!
I'm everything you ever were afraid of. That's how the script starts, opening into a scary quote immediately giving away the genre of horror. IT 2017 In the novel, It is a shapeshifting monster who usually takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown who comes out every 27 years too kill, .Page 1 The script starts off saying 

Rain. Lashing, this then immediately sets the scene of horror and that the film is getting straight into it. We also know this because after its set the scene about the weather we meet Georgie "A little boy gazes out into the storm "Page 1.  After the cold open with Georgie by the sewer, the script takes its time to establish the town, the characters and the monster, Pennywise. It feels like everyone in the Losers Club are the protagonists — which they are partly — because the script establishes their desires and their worst fears. Page 1

when the boat falls down the drain Georgie meets the clown, why does Georgie speak to the clown, because pennywise is a clown who lures children in with treats and many more tricks hence why Georgie is engaged with this conversation. Page 2The clown says "is this your boat", this is then presenting the clown as friendly and kind before showing his dark and evil side. Page 1

we are introduced to bill while he is ill BILL (13), his brother, sits up in bed, surrounded by tissues
and sheets of newspaper. Finishing creases on a PAPER BOAT. This is giving us a sense of what is wrong with him. His playful brother Georgie is first presented as playful because he wants to play outside with a paper boat in the rain. The script makes tension by just reading the first few lines because the weather .OPEN ON:
Rain. Lashing, this shows the genre horror and that something is going to happen early in the script. On page 7 the conflict starts between Georgie and the clown, we know this because the clown bites Georgie's arm off and the script says "Georgie is pulled back into the blackness of the Storm Drain. Screaming as loud as his little lungs can manage". This expresses Georgie's pain and that he is fighting for his life because the clown is after him. This script really shows the conflict between the two individuals because penny wise starts off friendly and slowly reals him in. I also think this scene especially has been written very well because its so detailed it creates the film in the audiences head before even watching the film. Throughout reading this script i have also noticed a lot of subject context, such as background noises. The subject context is shown at the start of the play (the opening) with "OPEN ON:
Rain. Lashing a windowpane. A PIANO PLAYS somewhere off
screen. Charles Ivo's Sonata No 2 for Piano" this is very well written because the opening can also set the scene like the film is in your head. "Rain Lashing" this really shows how aggressive the rain is because the word lashing suggests that the rain is vicious and deadly like a whip lashing against skin. Rain lashing also really sets the scene of horror because the lashing powerful rain is symbolised as a negative and also sets a spooky atmosphere.


This script has been written very well because so many small little details have been used to really create the scene and realism Page 1 "Rain Lashing" it does not just tell us that it is raining but it describes the rain as lashing. This could also suggest that something bad is about to happen because the word "lashing" can also be used for someone shouting.






























Task 2,Scripwriting Research

Task 2.2  Genre

Task 3, Secondary Research scriptwriting (advice/how  tos/etc) , How Screenwriters Create Characters

During this video the screenwriters explain that making a believable character can be very difficult. What i learnt from the video was that the man said to make a believable character "put a bit of you in everyone of them" because this then. "You can have a beautifully, well-constructed story, but it’s not going to necessarily be successful or move an audience the way a story will that has a character that grabs the audience". As behind the curtain quoted "Get Specific with Backstory. The more you know about your characters, the better you'll be able to write them", this meaning if you understand the backstory then this will create your character. Characters are the heart of your story. Readers often connect with your writing through your characters, so it’s important to get them right. How do you create convincing characters that leap off the page – characters that your readers want to spend time with. I also read a article by Haleh Agar, what i learnt from this was make every character like you, because everyone has the same things in common. If you make the character more realistic then when people view this character they will want to spend time with him/her because of the things they have in common. Another tip i have gained within creating a believable character is include dialogue between two or more characters because It defines your characters' voices, establishes their speech patterns, exposes the inner emotions, and showcases their character development. The effective dialogue can also establish the setting and time period of your story and reveal information in a way that doesn't feel overly expository, so dialogue is not just useful for the characters but for the whole story. "Propp" argued that stories are character driven and that plots develop from the decisions and actions of characters and how they function in a story. He claimed characters could be classified into certain roles that progress a story.

I also researched into Todorov's Equilibrium Theory because i thought this has very good advice on how to make a really good script and how to include equilibrium. From doing this research I have learnt that Todorov's theory is that in a film or story, the power is in a state of equilibrium (balance.) He believes that "as the story progresses the state of equilibrium can change, giving one person more power or authority over another throughout the plot, keeping the audience entertained" and that's what I want to make sure happens in my script , the viewers are entertained and don't et bored. This article has taught me and given me advice on how to do that. Each story should start with an initial Status Quo/Power set up of a person or within a group. This person or group has authority over others. However, the equilibrium is changed after a disruption, resulting in a disequilibrium. The old equilibrium is broken, and therefore a new one must begin. This will repeat during the narrative until we reach a final equilibrium. 
 Throughout the story there are many attempts to restore or find a new equilibrium which is what drives the narrative, although the final equilibrium does not have to be the same as the initial equilibrium. Often, the original status quo is restored, however this expectation is sometimes broken (especially in the horror genre, whether totally or partially breaking the theory.)



Primary research 

For my research I done a survey on google docs. I then posted this out on social media so i could get many different feedbacks and opinions on my questions.

The results of my survey are very different but it has given me an idea of what people like and what people do not like. Now I know the things people voted for more I will use and take into consideration and also use in my scriptwriting


100% of the people who done my survey like to see action. This has showed me they enjoy action because it keeps the audience in tacked with the film and it holds there attention. Now I know that when I come to do my script I should add action because its an enjoyed genre and an entertaining scene.


On my survey many different ethnicity's answered my questions. This to me also has an affect on how I present my script because I believe different ethnicities might mean that we all enjoy different films and genres. 76.9% of people who done my survey said they like to see in a action film has a strong female leads. This has now showed me that more people enjoy to see a female lead in a film so this is something for me to take in and consider do i create a female lead in my script



Task 5 Range of story ideas

UNKNOWN STALKER Idea 1) My first story idea is about a boy who is lying down in his bed late at night, he is scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of him and a girl he used to be with. A couple of minutes later the photos of him and his ex girlfriend come to a end. He then comes across a picture he does not remember seeing.The boy looks very carefully at the picture and the picture is of him lying in his bed currently, the picture is taken from just outside of his bedroom door. The boy immediately gets out of bed and walks out of his bedroom door, he does not see anything. The boy slowly makes his way out his room and walks down the corridor, suddenly a ping sound appears from out of his phone speaker, it says new photo has been added to camera roll. With fear he opens up his phone and clicks onto camera roll, the picture was of him standing in the corridor but this picture was taken from his bedroom door. He runs to his bedroom with fear and anger but yet nothing was inside. The phone pings again, he checks the photo in fear. The photo is a picture of the back of his head, he feels something breathe on his neck. Even before he could gasp he turned around and ........ 



Idea 2) Don't look away, This story idea is about a man who has no face just full off skin who is standing in the middle of a garden, jack the main characters garden and jack has to keep watching him because every time he looks away he gets closer.

Jack is a 18 year old boy who is alone at the weekend at his house because his parents are away and he did not want to join. while jack was sitting in his room he felt like someone was watching him, he looked out his window and on the grass was a tall man with no face just skin. Jack immediately rings his parents and explains the situation, his parents say we have something to explain to you we are on our way back, but what ever you do DONT LOOK AWAY. Jack gets worried and runs downstairs to lock the house up, when he comes back up the man is gone. Jack hears heavy breathing downstairs almost sounds like someone's airways are closing up. Jack goes to see what it is from the top landing, and its the man at the bottom of the stairs, the man tilts his head up and looks at Jack. Jack keeps his eyes on the man the whole time. Jack starts to really freak out and starts shouting at the man and says "what do you want", the man reply's with "you", jack quickly runs into his room and hides in the wardrobe. The sound of the man got closer, the sound stops and nothing is to be heard. A sinister voice says "You should of not looked away", the wardrobe door swings open , the mans is standing right in front of Jack, a evil smile rips through his skin. The man launches his body into the wardrobe with jack and the wardrobe rattles and rattles and then stops, a puddle of blood floods out the wardrobe.



Idea 3) Drip


Drip, drip, drip. The noise echoed in my ears like an alarm bell that was haunting me. Drip drip drip. I had been wanting to get the tap fixed all week but I hadn’t got round to it. Drip drip drip. I run my finger under it trying to scoop the last bit of moisture so hopefully the dripping would stop. (The droplet fell into a cut on my left index finger and the water began to travel through my cut into my veins, turning them from a dull green to a Matt black.) Drip drip drip. The noise faded into the distance as I walked into the other room. I grabbed my laptop and began researching plumbers to fix the leak, when all of a sudden drip drip drip.  The kitchen tap started dripping too. The next available plumber was at 9 ‘O’clock, not too long. Drip drip drip. ‘Not another bleeding leak’ I mumbled to myself.


Bzzzz bzzzz, my phone bleeped from the other room. As I searched for it I heard the bath tap begin to drip, then the shower and then the ceiling. Drip drip drip. A shower of droplets smacked the floor aggressively thumping. Drip drip drip. The sound chased me like a plague infecting my whole house. Drip drip drip. I couldn’t escape the noise. Drip drip drip. It began to bellow, ringing in my ears. Drip drip drip. I looked down at my watch when I checked the time. Fifteen minutes to go. ( zooms in on their veins darkening and the paling of their skin.) 


BOOM. A large mass of thick, heavy, whitish liquid fell onto my shoulders and drenched me. Above me, on the ceiling, rested a menacing, scaled creature. It was large with bony limbs. The creature’s arms were rather lanky compared to the rest of the body, and the back legs were short. The creature had what appeared to be two long, clawed fingers at the end of its arms, but it crawled on its knuckles. It had tiny hair on its knuckles and backs of its fingers, which were covered in smaller hairs. It also had small spikes extruding from the knuckles and the base of its hind feet. It slowly approached me like a crocodile , calm yet intimidating. I was surely a goner at this point, right? (Leaving on a confusing ending). That is a brief outline of my story idea 

Task 6, Evaluate

Was the primary research you did (task 1 and 4) any more useful or less useful than the secondary research? Explain how/why. 

How did the above help you develop ideas?

The above helped me develop my ideas because it gave me a sense of what kind of things I want to include when writing a script. The above such as task 3 was the most useful to me, It was very useful to me because during this task I spent some time researching Todorov's Equilibrium Theory. This helped me to understand equilibrium and how to put it into use during a script. This is the key thing I want to include in my script because I want to create the best script I can and aim for the best. I also have learnt some key quotes from Todorov's Equilibrium Theory that can boost my confidence in writing a script therefore I thought this was very useful.

Evaluate which research aspect from the above was the most effective? Why?

The primary research was the most effective for me because I did a survey what meant I got feedback from multiple different people which also gave me an idea of what people most enjoy and what they don't. primary research gives you more control over how to collect the data and how you will use it later to nurture the response you want hence why I found it the most effective. Gathering all this primary research is very accurate as well because you collect it yourself what means you know when you are asking the questions and who are you asking them to. Within the survey many people who took part want to see a female main role. This has now told me what the viewers want to see and what they enjoy within reading a script .I found the secondary research less useful because although I researched into theories what helped me form a script I think hearing from the public helped even more because 20 voices is louder than 1 and means more than 1.

The primary research was also very useful because the survey was customized by me what means that I got to create the questions, this means that I asked the questions what I wanted the answer too. Secondary is looking at websites and articles what are all opinions and it may not answer your questions, however primary you do yourself and do it how you want to do it.


What could you do in your script to ensure you address issues of representation? (as discussed, most Hollywood cinema has a white male in the main role)

Most films have a white male role, but not mine I am going to have women lead in my script because doing my survey on task 4 has shown to me what the public like and not what one individual likes. The survey has shown to me what people enjoy and why they enjoy it so much and my script aims to make it stand out and I can do that because the person who is writing the script controls what happens “Nobody in Hollywood works until the screenwriter is finished.” –Joe Eszterhas. My aim for my script is to make it more diverse than others such as (include a female lead role) because usually Hollywood cinema has a white male in the main role. Many people believe that a movie, television show, or play works best when it has famous actors in the cast. However, not even million-dollar stars can't make a show work if the script is dull or uninteresting hence why I want to make my script more diverse. I believe that Diversity is more than adding a woman or person of colour to your screenplay and avoiding stereotypes. Inclusivity and representation mean including the entire spectrum of humanity and making the effort to portray each experience realistically. This is especially true for those that have historically been underrepresented on screen.





Practise Scriptwriting

 primary/secondary comparison 

Index cards

Review on Script

Treatment (Rough idea of the story)

Don't look away, This story idea is about a man who has no face just full off skin who is standing in the middle of a garden, jack the main characters garden and jack has to keep watching him because every time he looks away he gets closer.

Jack is a 18 year old boy who is alone at the weekend at his house because his parents are away and he did not want to join. while jack was sitting in his room he felt like someone was watching him, he looked out his window and on the grass was a tall man with no face just skin. Jack immediately rings his parents and explains the situation, his parents say we have something to explain to you we are on our way back, but what ever you do DONT LOOK AWAY. Jack gets worried and runs downstairs to lock the house up, when he comes back up the man is gone. Jack hears heavy breathing downstairs almost sounds like someone's airways are closing up. Jack goes to see what it is from the top landing, and its the man at the bottom of the stairs, the man tilts his head up and looks at Jack. Jack keeps his eyes on the man the whole time. Jack starts to really freak out and starts shouting at the man and says "what do you want", the man reply's with "you", jack quickly runs into his room and hides in the wardrobe. The sound of the man got closer, the sound stops and nothing is to be heard. A sinister voice says "You should of not looked away", the wardrobe door swings open , the mans is standing right in front of Jack, a evil smile rips through his skin. The man launches his body into the wardrobe with jack and the wardrobe rattles and rattles and then stops, a puddle of blood floods out the wardrobe.

Job Roles


Shot List
Practise Shots
Call sheet

Rough Edit

Real-Eye Spy

Review and Reflect 

What went well

I think the acting and the audio was very well done. The audio was surprisingly well seeing as we had a lot of background noise such as wind. 

what would you do differently 

I would of changed some clips to make the storyline easier to follow

What skills did you learn

I learnt more about the camera and how to work it. This was a key skill because now in the future i will know how to work a camera 

What did you enjoy the most

I enjoyed the filming side of things and getting each scene ready

what did you learn about your own interests and skills

I was going to put myself forward for acting but then realised that I very much dislike it and its not something I want to go in too.

What skills do you need to work on

Planning and making sure the group is all organised before going out to film 

What skills do you want to work on more

I would like to work putting myself out there more making myself more visible to the group

How do you keep safe

We all were wearing masks to make sure we stay safe and not spread covid-19. 

How did you keep organised

We used trello to rack what work we have doe and what work needs doing 












Golden arm

I found this really difficult and thought the software is very difficult to understand, i tried my best at this and sadly have done really bad on this task but now I know I will 100% not be using this on my final project. This isn't even finished but i have no idea how to finish it and I'm not giving up i just simply cant do it


What did you enjoy the most and find most frustrating

I did not enjoy this project at all, I found it very difficult and I am not happy how my work turned out. Although i found it difficult I am not going to beat myself up about it because I struggle with this kind of thing so I'm not too disappointed.

Did you complete all aspects of the the task

Not really, as I said in the last question I found it very difficult and I really struggled so I don't think all the tasks where done well.

Practising how to use illustrator 
Rocket Animation

Character Animation

Space Snowman

For this small project, I had to make a character on illustrator and then animate it onto Adobe after effects. I have always found After effects a difficult bit of software to use but each time I use it I think I am improving and getting better at different things. I would have liked to make the snowman wave with his arm but I am going to work on that. I enjoyed this project because I am learning new skills each time I come to my project and now I can apply these skills to my next project.

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