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Interactive Project

For my project I will be creating a mobile shopping application.

My target audience for this will be between 12-18 years old so through the teen years. 

The clothes will be designed for all genders and ethnicity so there is a style for everyone.

The website will only have vintage clothing (vintage for teens). The aim is to have a style for everyone and to make people feel good and comfortable in these clothes. 


The way I am going to appeal my audience is by making stylish clothes and different clothes from the rest, majority of teens have different fashion styles. 


The app I will be creating has had inspiration from places such as rokit London and my vintage. What I like about these websites is that they attract their target audience by using stylish and different clothes from the rest, I also like how on vintage clothing they have different categories what different types of events what has inspired me to do the same. Overall my main target audience is between 12-18 because vintage clothing is usually more populated within that age range.


With the time i have been given I am going to aim to make about 4-6 pages because this means i can include different types of categories such as streetwear and more. I will not be making sections what say male or female because especially with my chosen audience not everyone knows what they identify as and what they feel comfortable in, this way if none of the clothes have a gender written on them then people can just say what the like and not care about who it is designed for (ALL CLOTHES WILL BE UNISEX).

I wanted to find out if my target audience like vintage clothes as well and the results were 100% yes for vintage clothes

Primary Research 

Before I create my app I have done some research into other apps what has given me inspiration on what to include when coming to create my website. ( SUCH AS )


Navigations are very simple and accessible, the task bar at the top has a place where you can search for a certain brand or clothing. I am inspired about how they have created different sections for different styles such as sportswear, designer vintage an more. 

Navigation, When you first open up the thrifted app it automatically gives you the option to shop in the category of your gender. What I dislike about this is that the colours suggest the gender such as for women they chose the colour pink, this is not something i will be taking on board because my app will be unisex and no categories for certain genders.

Imagery, i like how they have mixed the styles up by using a hat what we would expect to be worn by a women but instead they modelled it on the man. This app is very equal between the genders and very unisex such as not saying what gender should wear what.

Colour scheme, we can see when looking on this app that its mostly a basic black and white. This makes it more easier to understand and less overwhelming than showing many colours

Colour schemeAlthough that the app consist of a simple calming colours the clothes do change that. Many vintage wear have bright colours and all different colours, I think the colour scheme goes really well with the clothes because it brings out the colours in the clothes and makes them stand out when viewing.

Font choice, throughout the whole app they have used bold writing, bold writing makes it more visible and noticeable for the viewers when looking into some of the items.

font choice, the prices are in bold but the name of the clothing is not. I really like that the price is in bold because some apps make the viewer click onto the item before seeing the price but with this the price comes with the picture what saves time and also looks professional

Imagery, on the app they have people modelling the clothes, this is really good because not only it shows what it looks like on a actual person but encourages people to wear these clothes because someone might feel doubtful about wearing this but them using imagery of people modelling it can encourage others to buy the item.

Font, the font style of the logo has a bold style. This makes it stand out to regular writing and especially because it has been placed on a white background so the colour black really is shown

This app is displayed in a way so it's easy to understand and access, all the clothes are different in their way such as the colours some are bright some are darker. The app also displays the clothes for certain genders and also different styles such as streetwear or casualty. The whole app is very neat, what I mean by that is everything is very precise and in a comfortable position. Categories have been used that are very useful for people who only want a certain bit of clothing. 



Where have you seen this app ?

I have seen this app displayed on many different social media platforms before so I have always known of this brand. The clothing is also displayed on social media and other various sites, this is a good way of promoting the app because this way more people will know about it like me, hence why I am analysing it.

I've also been told about this from many people such as teenagers , this is why I am inspired to do it around vintage clothing because it grabs my target audiences attention. This brand has also reached out to me through buying and selling apps because many people have sold bits of clothing what have originally come from thrift.



The next app I am analysing is vinted. Vinted is an app where you can buy and sell second-hand clothing or even sometimes brand new clothing.

Font, when the app is first to open the logo appears on a black background in a Damion font.

Navigation, the majority of the app is pressing buttons and swiping up and down to view your follower's feed.

Navigation, the app automatically takes you to the feed page where you can view clothes from the people you follow. The app is very similar to navigate because it has all the people you follow in one place and the top right is a search button where you can discover new people and clothes.

Colour Scheme, the colour scheme on the app just has a simple white coloured background. This goes well because they don't know what is going to be uploaded on their app so this way when bright coloured clothes or even dark coloured clothes get posted it fits well with the background.

Navigation, one thing out of the many things I am inspired about by looking at this app is how simple it is to control, such as at the bottom it gives you easy straightforward instructions in what to do to get where you need to be. The camera icon takes you to a menu where you can upload pictures of your items and upload them. Discover is people you follow and people you can discover. My Vintage is your account.

Colour scheme, A good thing about this app is that you get to customize your profile with the colors and fonts you want such as black because it makes the clothes stand out more

Imagery, a massive inspiration to me from this app is imagery. The app uses pictures to do all the talking and it even gives you the option to wear the clothes yourself to show other people and this all comes under being able to customize your profile. 

colour scheme, the scheme for the app is very dark although it is different it makes the different colour clothes stick out more and makes it more clear when on a black background.

Navigation, on the feed there are categories for all different types of clothes such as shoes, shirts, men, women, and much more. I think this is a very good way to design an app because it can get the viewer to the bit of clothing they want quicker.

I think this app is a great inspiration to the app I'm going o create because this app involves communication on mobile devices which my target audience mostly does. After selling some clothing the app gives the buyer to leave a review on your page which makes you stand out more to other users.

I chose to look into this app because I have heard about it many times before so I even made an account on it. This has been advertised to me through the use of social media platforms and because this is a great way for teenagers to make money without doing too much hard work hence why I think this app is perfect for my target audience so I want to use features from this app and put it into mine.

Make money

Navigation, very self-explanatory on how to sell and item and what to say

Depop is a app I personally use and its a great inspiration to my app because this app is very popular within my target audience. Although my mobile shopping app will consist of the clothes only coming from my app, depop has many inspirations and aspects I would like to apply to my app.

Font, depop uses bold filters throughout the whole app. This is a positive for the app because it makes it easier to read and stands out more.

Colour scheme, depop is similar to vinted in the sense of the colour scheme. The background is just a basic white colour what is good because all different colour clothes get uploaded onto the app. 

Navigation, the navigation is simple to use because its simply swiping and pressing buttons. At the bottom of the screen is a taskbar, the task bar has four small icons what guide you to what you want to do e.g look at profile, sell or buy clothes and look at other peoples clothes.

Imagery, this is a key thing with clothing apps. Depop uses many images because its about trying to get rid of clothes you don't want anymore so you have to produce good quality pictures of your clothes so they sell.

Navigation, this app ahs a search button so you can find a certain bit of clothing what you are looking for. This is something I will be taking on board because my aim is to make the app simple to understand.

Depop allows you to speak to your clients so you can share updates and discuss problems if come across any. This is something what could appeal to my target audience because of the use of speaking to other people and interacting online.

Colour scheme,the colour scheme what has been used are colours what can make images and text look more clear, if the colour was bright yellow this would be more difficult to read.

I have used depop myself in the past and I have found it very helpful. Although my app will not be selling second hand clothes I am inspired about designing the app to give people profiles so they can collect points or gain something every time they purchase something on my app. Similar to depop, they allow stars and you can get comments to go on your profile and ratings and this populates you more within the app.

Are there any ‘gaps in the market’ for your chosen brief? How might you address these?

From all the apps I have analysed they are all very similar because they have categories separating men and women clothes. My idea is to have unisex clothes so that there wont be categories separating male and female. I have not seen any apps what have not separated male and female so this is an advantage for me to use this idea. What i am going to do is I will use categories for different types of styles but not gender. Clothes will not be targeted at a certain gender.

Young and Rubicam’s ‘The 4 C’s’

I research into this theory and found out what they focused on was other peoples perspectives and opinions on them rather than their own values. They respond to other peoples view on appearance, personality, fashion and aspects such as those. The 4Cs to replace the 4Ps of the marketing mix: Consumer wants and needs; Cost to satisfy; Convenience to buy and Communication.


The 4cs stand for  Cross cultural consumer characterisation This divides audiences into 7 different groups depending on their core motivations, values and beliefs.


Consumer psychographics?

psychographics is studying consumers based on psychological characteristics and traits such as values, desires, goals, interests, and lifestyle choices.

Psychographics is the study of consumers based on their activities, interests, and opinions. It goes beyond classifying people based on general demographic data, such as age, gender, or race. Psychographics seeks to understand the cognitive factors that drive consumer behaviours. Psychographic data includes your buyer’s spending habits, hobbies, thoughts, values, and other pieces of their psychological makeup. Psychographic data uncovers why a consumer might buy your product, allowing you to create marketing campaigns that appeals to them specifically. Psychographics in marketing focus on understanding the consumer's emotions and values, so you can market more accurately.


This theory has been very interesting to look into because it has given me an idea for the sorts of things I need to be looking out for when creating my app so I can focus on my consumers emotions and values and this will help me market more accurately.

Flat Plan

Little Vintage for teens (VFT) icon. Press to open


First page what will open will be a log in or sign up option. If the individual already has an account the will choose log in or if they are new, sign up. Press on the one you want.


Each one of these icons take you to different pages, press on the word you want and that page will appear.

Account option takes you to all your details such as email, password and bank details.

Shop button takes you to the feed where you can look at different clothes and scroll through like a social media page.

Scrolling is the way to navigate through this page and pressing on the heart icon for posts you like. The comment icon gives the person a chance to ask questions about the item before purchasing.

Search icon gives the person the opportunity to type on their phone what they want and get access to it faster.

The points menu shows how many points you have gained from purchasing a item and can give you a certain amount of money of the next one.

Colour Scheme I have used is very bright because it makes everything stand out more.

The fonts I want to include

Primary & secondary research


2 people gazed over my work and gave me some feedback, the feedback was very positive but I have also been given advice on how to improve. One way I can improve was to make the corners more curvy because sharp corners are usually highly disliked from the audience.


My layout was very well done according too my group, they said it is very easy to understand and organised for the audience. This is something I am most proud of my layout because how self explanatory it is. Another thing what I received positive feedback on was the colour scheme. My group said that the colour scheme goes very well with my target audience.

Someone in my group said they have used basic colours such as black and white on their flat plan because they don't want it to be overwelhbeing. This gave me the idea of adapting my work to only a couple of colours instead of loads.


My feedback was very positive and worth hearing because I have also been given some ideas on how to adapt my work and improve it for my target audience.

For my real app i am going to use bright colours because i think it suits my audience and vintage is all about bright colours.


Liked items
Loading Screen

Presentation / redesign

My peer who I swapped my work with left positive feedback and some aspects to improve on such as:

My peer said that the fonts and colours go well with the vintage look and the colours make everything stand out more. He also said he likes the cartoon symbols I have applied to my app because "many vintage wear use cartoon figures or objects". Clear navigations and what to press on.


My peer said that red and black do not go well and are too heavy and hard to read. He also says that on the account page the red stars do not go well on a red background, they need to be more visible. 


Its clear to see who the target audience is by looking at the colours meaning bright cheerful colours what the younger generation (teenagers) would associate with. This person has also used cartoon icons with their app, this attracts younger people to use it and because of the vintage theme this will also help attract the audience because vintage is a popular fashion for the generation. At the top of each page I have the title vintage for teens, it was suggested I put the logo at the top of each page to make it look better. Another thing I have been asked to add is on the liked page i should add the like symbol to show that its a liked item.

Draft 2


These are the tweaks that my peer suggested to change to improve my app.


  1. How effective were your different research methods? Did you find one more useful than the other? Do you feel you conducted a sufficient amount of both PRIMARY and SECONDARY research?

The research method I felt was most beneficial to me was looking into other apps for inspiration. This really influenced me and helped me to shape my app into what it is now, seeing what other apps have included in their app to make it stand out and look appealing to their chosen audience helped me make my app. Researching into apps also gave me a broad understanding of what to include when creating a app and what is compulsory when creating. The secondary research also had its peaks what I found beneficial, such as receiving critical and positive feedback from my peers encouraged me to make it even better and it also gave me an understanding of what the audience like and expect when downloading a app. Although both primary and secondary research was a help I think out of the two primary was most efficient to me because I got to get inspiration from other apps and websites and this helped me magpie those ideas into shaping my app so the most effective was the primary research.


  1. How effective was your planning and pre-production stage? Did it help you in the final product? Were there any changes you made during the production process? Why did you make these changes?

I think the pre production was very effective. What I found most useful about the pre production was the flat plan, I found this very useful because it helped me visualize how I want to create my app. This helped me for when I came to actually making my app because then I knew what I wanted it to look like.

The planning stage was also very effective because I got to try out different fonts and colour schemes so I could find on what goes well with my design. Planning was very effective because I could put my original ideas and adapt them to my final app. I made some changes during this project such as the colour scheme, I did this because some of the colours did not fit well with the fonts of the text or other images what I added so what I done was added more darker colours to some pages to make other components more visible.

  1. How successful is the final product? Is it easy to navigate? Does it function effectively as an application?

My final product is exactly how I planned and I followed my flat plan very well. Very easy for users to use. The navigation I think personally is easy to understand and use, my peers have also given me feedback and have said my app is easy to use and understand. 

I think my app does function well because its a friendly app and reaches my target audience what is between 11-18 years of age.

  1. Do you think you have sufficiently fulfilled the brief? Do you think you have selected an appropriate target audience and created your product to effectively appeal to them? How have you done this?

Yes I believe I have fulfilled the brief because I have followed every step along the way and designed a clothing app.

My app is 100% the right fit for my target audience 11-18 year olds because vintage wear is very popular for teenagers and this app will appeal to them for sure. This will also appeal to them because I have  point section and this will encourage them to buy from here again because they will gain points on each purchase. I done this by researching into popular apps what that age range use and I also done a survey on why that app grabs their attention. I also asked on my survey what they like and don't like about certain apps and this helped me shape my app into what it is now, (Vintage For Teens).

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