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I came into this project knowing I wanted to do something related to film and that is what I had my mind on. After doing the top slice task I felt like the magazine industry sounds very interesting and I would like to have a deeper understanding of the industry and how it works, therefore I chose to make a magazine and I am very glad I did because I have learned so much about the industry and I got to use different software what looked challenging but once I got my head around them I worked well.


I think the research went very well and it met my needs and wants and it was well constructed. I could have researched the layout of magazines a bit more and this could have adjusted and helped me decide on the final piece. I used a lot of secondary research and I thought this was very much beneficial to me because it helped me shape my final project into what it is now. If I could change one thing I wish I could go and research InDesign a bit more and understand how it works and what each tool does, this would have been very beneficial to me towards the end but I still managed and I'm proud of the outcome.


I am very pleased with the outcome but a bit disappointed with the quality of some of the pictures. I thought to go and change this by retaking the pictures but I had to take some risks because the deadline was very soon. In the end, I didn't have time to retake so I had to use what I've got and I am still happy with the outcome. This is my first time using this new bit of software and looking into the industry so for the first time I think I did very well.


With the planning, I think it went very well because I gathered enough research on what I wanted to do, and then this was very beneficial when I came to do it. What didn't go as well as where I was going to take the pictures and what shot I'm going to use. I found this very hard to decide but I then finally made a decision.


The pre-production was a massive help to my FMP because this gave me the chance to lay out my ideas and visualize how it is going to work. What didn't go to plan was finding models to be in the pictures, this was a real struggle but I did then find some models who would help me out.


The post-production was by far the most difficult part of the project because I had to use a new bit of software and this took me a while to get used to it. The technical side of it was very difficult but I spent more time on this software before the project so it made it more easier for me.


I managed my time very well because I met most of my deadlines apart from the production one but there was a reason behind it and I spoke to my teachers. I had a to do list throughout this project and this really helped me structure my plan and how to manage my time. Towards the end I felt like time was an issue but I did stay on track and finished my work.


I didn't have many emotional problems to deal with because I was working on my own but one thing I didn't deal with the best is stress. Stress of making sure its at the best of my ability and getting the work complete before deadlines. Overall I handled the emotional problems very well meaning I coped and I didn't let it affect my work. Towards the end of this project I lost out on some time because I had an incident but I was given an extension because of this.


I thought the brief was very confusing and hard to understand meaning it didn't tell me step by step what I had to do. I think I was very independent about the brief because I figured out what I had to do and when I found that it was too difficult and I couldn't understand it I would ask for help. I followed it very well though and done my best on every task.


I would like to expand my knowledge and skills on InDesign because I really enjoyed looking into this industry and this is something I might consider and future years. InDesign has taught me new skills but I would like to gain more skills on this bit of software so I can use it in later life.


I thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures for my magazine and I would definitely do it again. For my next FMP I would consider doing film posters because it is similar to what I have done now but looks more interesting because the front image shows more and tells more than a magazine front image. I have done film posters before but I would like to jump back into that industry and gain more skills about it.





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