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Research and Development 

Influences / Inspiration

Men's Vouge 

Arthur Baldwin Turnure made vouge in 1892. In 1965 Men's Vouge was founded, this has been a inspiration to me because the magazine just focus on my target audience who is men and the fashion in the magazine is very popular and stylish. This is a massive inspiration to me because vouge is a very popular and famous magazine for fashion, this also is a advantage for me because this just focus on men's fashion therefore this will be helpful for me when coming to make mine.


Vouge was founded in 1892 as a weekly high-society journal, created by Arthur Baldwin Turnure for New York City's social elite and covering news of the local social scene, traditions of high society, and social etiquette; it also reviewed books, plays, and music. Vogue soon became known for its distinctive photographs and high editorial quality. Nast hired the best illustrators and photographers of the day, and they produced covers for the magazine that were consistently sophisticated and occasionally revolutionary. In 1932, for example, Vogue became one of the first magazines to print a colour photo on its cover. In the 1960s the magazine redefined the look of female models, eschewing shapely figures to highlight thin, gender-neutral physiques. Vogue’s August 1974 cover was the first to picture an African American model. This has influenced me because I want to make my magazine with different cultures and races.


Clothing can reflect beliefs of individuals and groups. Religious groups often adopt a certain style of clothing. Beliefs about magic and luck have been held by people of many cultures. Their clothing reflects these beliefs. Culture refers to aspects of human-made elements, including tools, dress, and media, in addition to values, attitudes, and norms. Dress is a significant part of almost every culture. With my magazine I want to make sure i use a wide range of clothes so that this is accessible for all religions.

The magazines above are similar and different. 20 years ago a black man such as will smith may not of been used on the front cover because a white male is more attractive to others.


Vouge is more diverse now and they use I wide range of ethnicities, not just a white male. In the 90s the front magazine is usually a white middle age man, never someone of a different colour.

Vouge uses celebrities with a lot of fame and attention because this brings attention to them. Actors are a popular group vouge likes to include within their magazines.

2000s/ onwards

Vouge has become a lot more diverse in the sense of not just using the average white American. Hugh Jackman has been the role of vouge before and has been dressed in a professional suit what shows luxury. Will smith has also been in vouge and they he was wearing a professional suit too. These men are both actors and what vouge has done is not only do they use high status people but it promotes them as well.

Vouge has been a massive influence to my product because this magazine is very diverse and is different to others, such as different cultures, ethnicities, sizes and sexes. Vouge will definitely be something I will use to look back on while creating mine.

Vouge was seen as a women's magazine and not mans. Vouge has changed over time and many males are associated with vouge. Vouge being seen as a women's magazine make the males who are apart of it look like they have lost their masculinity. Vouge also only used to use attractive people to show off to the audience, now time has changed plus size models have made the front page of vouge.

Mans World

Man's World India is India's pioneering men's luxury lifestyle magazine. Man's World India, also known by its acronym MW, is an Indian men's luxury lifestyle magazine. It was launched in March 2000 by Anuradha Mahindra, wife of industrialist Anand Mahindra. Man's World was conceived to be India's answer to the leading international men's magazines from around the world.

With this magazine they are all very much the same meaning same body shape. This magazine does not include plus size shapes at all this is very much just to show good attractive men.

This magazine has influenced me because of the fashion. The fashion is not on complicated and its just casual wear. In my magazine I don't want to make my magazine too complicated but just natural casual clothing.

This magazine has used a white male, this makes the magazine more diverse and this has a massive impact on my work because I don't want to use just a white average male because its basic and doesn't use other cultures.

Mens journal

Men's Journal is an American monthly men's lifestyle magazine focused on outdoor recreation and comprising editorials on the outdoors, environmental issues, health and fitness, style and fashion, and gear. It was founded in 1992 by Jann Wenner of Wenner Media, who sought to create a publication for "active, accomplished men to fuel an adventurous and discerning lifestyle". Wenner Media sold Men's Journal to American Media, Inc. in 2017.


This has been a inspiration to me because this magazines contains content witch intend to use within my magazine. On April 6, 1992, the New York Times announced the debut of Men’s Journal: “The first issue of Men's Journal, a magazine for men interested in adventure, fitness and participatory sports, will appear on newsstands on April 13.

Men's journal is great example of how I want my magazine to look, this is because this magazine focus on men's fashion and their lifestyle.

Although my main focus in not men's lifestyle and adventures nut this helps me to understand the intrests of what men enjoy and then i can apply this to my magazine.



Mens journal

This magazine has prioritised high status celebrities similar to vouge. These are all actors who are very popular within society so this attracts the audience more. They are all seen as good looking men as well what makes the magazine more attractable. I would say this is diverse because they haven't just used the stereotypical white male but they have included different ethnicities and colours such as Kevin heart. The title men's journal being displayed behind the celebrities really shows off the model. The title does not need to be seen too much because of the popularity it has already got.


This is a massive influence out of them all because Men's journal displays men's interests such as sport, fitness and adventure. Although mine is on fashion this can help me to decide how to display it and what i want to include within the content.



Not so much a influence but just in general magazines inform, educate and entertain us. According to the "New York Times," United States magazine sales for 2009 were over 39.3 million. For approximately three to 10 dollars, purchase a magazine and enjoy hours of learning, laughter or relaxation.

I have been influenced by newspapers because when I have read over a news paper they discuss all different aspects of what is happening in the world. This has influenced me because with a magazine you can just make it about one certain topic such as men's fashion.

Websites have also given me a influence in the way of them being similar to magazines just digital. This is an influence to me because I can make something similar to this but a physical copy.

Target Audience/ Primary research

To find out essential information from my target audience (18-30 year old men) I done a survey and this gave me information on what my target audience like and what needs to be included within a men's fashion magazine. 

These overall responses are asking for attractive models in attractive clothes. This is a massive part to my magazine because the model is what can attract the viewers.

Good quality images meaning not fuzzy. I am thinking about doing a mid-shot or wide shot for my images because these can have affects on the audience and they feel connected to these angles.

This response I was very surprised with because in todays world vital information and our interest can be found out by our mobile phones. This has helped me to understand that many people do still read magazines and this is not a waste of time.

 In my magazine I can then raise this issue of ethnic representation by making my magazine more diverse and include more culture such as not just using a white male.

What I can take from this is the most common answer said the main image is such a important component to a magazine so I need to make sure the main image attracts peoples attention and it its clear.

I asked men because I wanted to know their opinion on a this magazine because it is designed for them. Although its designed for men any gender can read this magazine if interested.

This is helpful to know that my target audience have read a magazine before meaning they are no stranger to knowing what is good and bad within one.

What I will be taking from this is that Vintage wear is popular with my audience and also streetwear. This help me to understand what clothes to use on the main image.

Many people are interested in magazines where they see their influences on the front modelling. Someone with a very high social status such as Cristiano Ronaldo influences people and especially when wearing different clothes for magazines because this then encourages the audience to wear those clothes.


A good magazine would have influences and people with high social status.

Ideas / Concepts

1. My first idea was to think about the colour scheme meaning what colours would go well. I thought about making the magazine black and white because this then makes it look more professional. If i done it in black and white i would use smart professional clothes to display on my magazine. If i used these simple colours it would make the pictures stand out more and make the page more easy to be read, whereas colours could distract the reader. I feel like this is a great idea for me to think about but my target audience are quite young and when displaying vintage clothes they tend to be quite bright and the black and white would block this out.



2. Having a bright colour scheme could work very well with my audience and clothes. If i use was to use brighter colours this would make the page standout and the images too.When using these sorts of colours i would have to make the text more big and include images in the back as well as the main image.I personally think this would be more popular within my demographic if i used brighter colours and this would be more appealing.

Heading 6
Secondary Research

I researched into magazines and what make them stand out/ what to include. Each magazine has a unique mission and vision, target audience and subject matter focus — not to mention its own pool of contributors, publication process and methods for attracting readers. Cover pages. Front-of-book content, which may include columns (including an editorial), letters to the editor, news, quick-hit trend pieces and publisher-focused content. The feature well, typically two to five long-form articles that are more extensively reported and more creatively designed.

Steps to a good magazine


When you craft engaging content that hits your readers’ needs, you create an emotional connection that makes them feel like they “belong” and that they are part of an exclusive club where they can immerse themselves in their passion. That kind of magazine/reader relationship is what every editor should strive to achieve.


The best magazines don’t just deliver great content to their readers, they do it in a conversational style that creates a rapport. A good editor should stamp his or her personality on a magazine. Every single feature or story in your magazine should convey the message that you know and understand your readers. Make it personal.


Whenever a magazine starts to lose readers and circulation, the finger for blame often gets pointed at the design team. However, in almost all instances when a publication starts to slump, it’s because the editorial quality has dropped for some reason. Although good design is crucial in creating a “complete” magazine package, it’s the editorial content that attracts and keeps readers. Good editorial can save a poorly designed publication, but good design can’t compensate for weak or bad content.


Readers look to your publication for opinion, advice, insight, inspiration and education. You can’t let them down. There’s nothing worse than picking up a publication and finding that you don’t learn anything new or, even worse, that you know more about the subject than the so-called “expert” writer or journalist.


A good publication should take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions. You should be challenged intellectually and emotionally.


All good magazines have a consistent rhythm or beat. Readers like to be able to easily find their favourite sections or columns, and they like to have a sense of where they are in the magazine at any time. The key to keeping the reader experience fresh is ensuring that the presentation of content changes from feature to feature. Likewise, every individual issue of your magazine should feel consistent and familiar to readers yet still be a fresh design and content experience.


Writers and designers can often be very individualistic characters, but the editorial and the design team should collaborate at all stages of the creative process. Art directors can help writers come up with innovative ways of presenting copy, while writers should always have the opportunity to explain how they envisaged their copy being presented on the page. If the two departments don’t collaborate, challenge each other or occasionally squabble, you end up with a sterile publication.





10 things to include in a magazine


It is the most important element of a magazine layout design. It can be of various sizes, but should be set in a size bigger than the other text elements in the page. A headline should be interesting, meaningful and compelling enough as it increases the chances of an article to be read.

Introductory Paragraph

Also known as "intro" "kicker", "deck" or "stand-first", an introductory paragraph is the main piece of content that introduces a reader to an article. It carries forward what a headline has succeeded in doing - catching the attention of a reader. It connects a reader to the main article, taking forward a reader's journey into the midst of the article.

It sets the tone of the article for a reader and sometimes, also summarizes the entire article. In terms of font size, it should be smaller than the font size of the headline of an article. But, it should be slightly bigger or at least a little bolder than the rest of the article.

Body / Body Text / Body Copy

This is a more lengthy and detailed part of a magazine article when compared to the introductory paragraph of the heading / headline of an article. A well-written body copy keeps a reader engaged to an article for the most part, generally till the end of the article.

When one begins to design the magazine layout template, they should begin with designing the body copy of an article, because that takes maximum space, running into multiple paragraphs. It is important that you set the right margins in terms of columns and rows to improve readability. A key point to note here is that you should be consistent with the length of the body copy for all the articles in the magazine.


It is important that you acknowledge the person and the team which has worked on an article. Usually, the author's name is written under the headline of the article, which is also known as the byline. It can be written in the same font size as that of the body copy.

Sub-headline / Subhead

These are used to break an article into various sections or compartments, indicating what the next set of paragraphs is going to talk about. It can be written in the same font in which the body copy is written, but it should stand out from the body copy at the same time. Hence, you can keep it "bold" so that it looks like a mini-heading or headline. An important thing to bear in mind is that you should not place subheads below an image or a quote in an article.

Pull Quotes

These usually provide a different dimension to an article in a magazine, making it look more interesting. Quotes aid in conveying your story to a reader, and if coupled with images, become potent. You can either have a quote verbatim from a portion of the body copy, or you could perhaps summarize a few points of the body copy in different words and have them as a quote or an excerpt. Ideally, the quotes or excerpts or blurbs should be in a font that is different from the font in which the body copy has been written.

Captions for Images

These should be written in a way that they complement the image being used in an article. A caption should describe an image and should ideally be placed immediately below the image. The font size for image captions can be the same as that of the font in which the body copy has been written or slightly smaller than that.

Section Head / Running Head

Every magazine article does not need a running head, but some do. These are usually placed at the top of every page of a magazine and aid readers in navigating through an article easily. A running head should be designed creatively so that it looks good, because it is present on almost all pages of the magazine and a reader sees it every now and then. So, it has to be visually attractive.


It should be designed in such a way that you do not annoy a reader who looks into it on almost every page of a magazine. It is a way of arranging sheets of papers in your magazine, by folding them in a certain manner. You should tread with caution especially when you have many pages in your magazine containing full bleed images. A reader could be annoyed if you place folios on those pages.

Box Copy / Panel

Such boxes contain important facts related to the topic of the article that a reader should know while reading a magazine article. These could be statistics or dates or anything factual in nature which is important to know and short in length. Such data is placed in a box to catch the attention of a reader. A box can have a dedicated heading as well.

Deciding on the name

I want to call my magazine fresh, before I fully agree on the name fresh I wanted to see if their are any other existing products with this name.

I discovered that their is a magazine called fresh but its about food and recipe's. Although the magazine has already got the name I am deciding on my magazine and this one are completely different genres in the sense of ones about food and the other is about men's fashion.









Here again their is a magazine called fresh but the genre is music so this doesn't interfere with my magazine. I did struggle with the name because of this magazine and I don't want to copy and idea, I also struggled because music does have a correlation with fashion in the sense of lots of fashion is displayed in the images. Overall there is not a magazine what shares the same genre I'm doing.

Existing product analysis/ Primary research
Sharp magazine

The photography of these two photos use a mid-shot angle. This is giving an affect of the celebrity having dominance over the rest of the magazine.


The celebrities have been placed in the centre of the page making it all about them and the attraction is too them. 


The placement of the names has been put in front of the image to show clearly that the name links with the image. The text for the name is the same size as the title showing the importance of them both.

Sharp have used a very bright colour scheme such as yellow and orange. This makes the important text stand out to the rest grabbing the audiences attention.


The font size is very large in bold writing showing the importance of the text.

A one year subscription to sharp magazine is 


This is a reasonable price.

Bright colours make the magazine stand out more such as blue.

The layout used in this magazine has put the main image in the middle page and the text around so its not covering up the model.


All mid shots, waist and above. 


The title (GQ) is clearly shown by being put in front of anything such as the model.


The layout has the main image in the middle and then the vital information around the sides so the model can be clearly seen.


 £2.29 per month

The models have been dressed very well and professional. This is something I want to do so the magazine doesn't look childish and not taken serious.

The colour scheme is different for every magazine. The font stays the same but the colour of the title matches the outfit displayed on the front image. The text style complements the rest of the front cover by making it look more professional.

The colour scheme has been a influence on my work and I would like to apply this to my front cover. I am inspired by the way the colour of the title matches the colour of the clothing the specific person is wearing. Matching the colour schemes up makes the front look more professional and neat. The colours matching up is very effective in my opinion. I've also learnt that the background can complement the text by using colours such as blue and yellow, this would be a nice scheme to go on my front cover of the magazine.

Magazines tend to only use about three colours such as GQ, this is something what is very important because I don't want so many colours because it can be distracting to my audience.

The colour scheme for this 'Blender' (blue, black and white).black and white is kept the same throughout all of their magazines so that it is instantly recognizable. The font is slightly different as well, but still kept sans serif and simple. The font is kept the same throughout the whole cover but the title is cracked giving it an edgy feel. The artist's name is again in large font and numbers are used as well. The language is very informal, obviously aiming for a young audience by mimicking the way they talk (this is something i want to make sure i do so it grabs my audiences attention).The writing is kept to the outer sections and even that is split into sections. The rule of thirds makes it appealing to the eye.





It also says "teen special" which makes teenagers feel like this magazine is made for them and dedicated to that individual.

Double Page spread analysis

The person featuring in the image on the double page spread is usually looking straight ahead into the camera making the reader feel connected with them. Quotes have been highlighted to shown the important parts of the text. Having one whole side with the image of the person. If one whole side of the double page spread is just a picture of the celebrity this is a good way of grabbing the audiences attention because they are more likely to want to read on if they see a celebrity they are familiar with.

I would put the image on the right hand side because if the reader was going through the magazine the first thing what would catch their eye is the image and this is a good way to get them to read on.

Action Research

For my action research I wanted to understand and develop new skills on InDesign before I use it to create my final magazine. I played around with some pictures I have found offline and then I developed this into a magazine. 

 I learnt from this experiment that the text should be in columns and never to the edge of the page.

This was just for me to play around with the software so I can gain as much knowledge on it as possible so when I come to make it I should find it easier because I have had a play with it.

Existing product workflow

I'm curious about how magazines are designed and first made so to answer my question I researched in the steps of how magazines work.


What is the magazine production process


Work backwards

The whole process is anchored to the publication date. These dates are often scheduled one year in advance, so content and editorial planning can ensure contributors can be booked to cover events, for example. In addition, with planned features known, advertising sales have time to attract companies associated with the feature in some form, maybe to organise sponsorships, banners, cover wraps and create social media promotional activity when the feature is published. Either way, it never happens overnight.


A publication map is prepared between the publisher, editor and advertising listing the themed/subject matter occurring several issues ahead. This list is often shared within a media pack/media file — a sales guide for advertisers highlighting all the magazine's key features and unique selling points.


With known publication dates, editorial, production, print and distribution deadlines are set and booked to ensure personnel availability when the publisher requires. This goes a long way to ensure efficiency. It also helps to keep costs down. Many publishers turn to professional production artists as a cost-effective, efficient and reliable way to produce a magazine. But, as with any skilled people, they are in demand, so booking time in advance is essential.



The editor's role is to ensure a content strategy is actioned, allowing contributors sufficient time to plan, source, curate, write and supply content and imagery for editing. The editor will then proof, maintain the editorial house style, finalise the content, collate all the assets and prepare an editorial list indicating how many pages each feature will run in readiness for production. 



The advertising sales primary role is to sell but also align advertisers with forthcoming features to help increase exposure with the title and see what additional social media exposure could be included. With the selling of advertising, which could take months to build relationships and agree terms, the advertiser's artwork would need to be supplied no later than one week before the print deadline. The production artist can then check and advise if technical errors are apparent and, if need be, allow time for the originator to correct and resupply.


Many editors will work closely with advertising sales and/or the publisher to list advertisers in the forthcoming issue in order of appearance, size and whether it is new or repeat artwork. For example, with most magazines, premium positions, such as full-page adverts, are listed first, followed by half pagers and smaller advertisers behind. It helps with upselling if an advertiser wishes to have a more prominent position.



With editorial and advertising information collated, the production artist will create a flatplan, translating both lists to visually present how the magazine is likely to be constructed. The production artist can also seek pagination optimisation, which can help keep printing costs in check. The flatplan will highlight holes assessing whether further editorial should be supplied or if advertising could be sold. With the flatplan agreed, designing the pages can then get underway, even if pagination revisions are required during the process. Most smaller-paginated magazines may only need a simple list.


The flatplan also allows the production artist to keep track of the magazine's progress and prompt to chase editorial or advertising that has yet to arrive. The flatplan also helps the editor and advertising sales to keep track of their respective progress as well.


Magazine Design and Production

This is where we sit, collating all the editorial and assets, using the flatplan to guide what needs to be done. Our role will include all communication, processing of images, sourcing others (which usually includes colour-balancing and cut-outs); preparing illustrations and infographics; processing and checking of advertisements; coming up with ideas, such as exploring themes; constructing pages, positioning and fitting elements; being creative with formatting and applying typography; preparing proofs and making amendments; managing surrounding production to ensure all remains on track; preparing, uploading and technically approving pages at prepress; and preparing files for digital applications.


Preparing for output

By today's standard, assuming content has already been checked, and the pagination layout has gone well, visual proofing of all pages is ready for the editor. However, for a 68-100pp issue, we find that visual proofing only requires a day or two before the final print sign-off is received. The production artist then prepares a print-compliant PDF file and uploads it remotely into the printer's prepress system. After a short processing period, the production artist can check the RIP (Raster Image Processed) files to ensure nothing has failed before approving all pages for print. The pages are then queued for plating. Finally, the production artist may need to prepare further PDF variants to add a more profound reading experience by adding links and embedding video for digital publishing or even extracting content to be re-edited further for social media activity.


How essential is the print deadline?

By the print deadline, the printer would have ordered the paper and scheduled printing press time in advance to ensure the magazine can be swiftly turned round, bound, trimmed and finished ready for mailing and/or onward distribution. If the print deadline is missed, it could be several days before the printer can create a sufficient time slot amongst other planned magazine work to get your magazine on the press. So, to deliver any magazine on time is critical. With smaller-sized, less-paginated magazines — such as a 32pp A5 issue — timing isn't so essential.



Subscription and circulation can be handled in a variety of ways. Still, generally, with smaller independent titles, the publisher would maintain subscriptions then release the mailing list of each issue for the mail fulfilment team to process and organise for the postal company to pick up and mail directly to the readers. 


Wholesale distributors dispatch magazines through a national network to contacts who exclusively work in each geographic area. The publisher or wholesaler can arrange for the magazines to be collected from the printer and dispatched to regional distribution centres.


Copies going onto newsstands or retailers carry a barcode and cover price and are supplied on a 'full sale or return' basis. The wholesaler and distributor take a percentage of the cover price of copies sold. Wholesalers scan unsold copies with the credit claimed back. Multiple retail groups, supermarkets and newsagents decide whether to accept a title to sit on its shelves; it can often involve promotional arrangements. Most magazine launches would require a budget to secure shelf space but could be subject to a product selection process to assess commercial viability.


Is it a numbers game?

To create a successful magazine, the publisher and editor must have a clear focus on its audience and uphold the primary mission. Quality content is vital for the reader is king. With today's available technology, combined with the right support to present content professionally, most magazines can be viably produced to service a small number of readers; however, whether it's a viable price for advertisers to pay, well that has yet to be seen.

Rule of thirds

What is the Rule of Thirds?

The rule of thirds is a popular method of dividing up a design or photo into thirds by creating a grid that is three columns wide and three rows tall.

What is the purpose of the rule of thirds?

The rule of thirds helps direct the viewer's gaze to the main focal point of an image, whatever the subject may be. It makes the most of empty space by drawing your eye to a specific part of the image, emphasised through composition.

Analysis/ Layout ideas


After hearing feedback it does not look like a magazine and more like a book so I will not be using this layout.

I wanted to try out what photos would look like in a location such as a field. I really like this because it makes the model of the picture stand out more and that's the main focus of the magazine.


Next time I don't want to use an item such as a football because I think it ruins it and can make the picture look blurry which I don't want.

Too Blury

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