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Task 1

Film poster

9/10 I enjoyed this because I gained new skills along the way and learnt how to use photoshop.


8/10 This was especially interesting to me because its something I have always been interested about and how the industry works. I also learnt more communication skills and this is something I wanted to work on.



Short film/filming

4/10 I did not enjoy this because i found it very stressful and its not something that interests me.


0/10 Hated this and found it very difficult.

VFX basics


App/ game design (Interactive)

9/10 Was interesting because I got to design something how i wanted and work how i wanted to (more independence)

Top 3/Skills learnt

Film Poster





Illustrator skills





Graphic Design



Photography skills Editing/Designing


Photo editing


Free hand drawing

Colour theory




Communication skills

listening skills


Adobe Audition

Edit audio tracks together

Add background music

Apply and adjust effects

Remove background noise


App Design

Blog post explaining the above

Potential ideas

These are the top three projects I have enjoyed the most throughout my course and something I would look into more for my FMP. 

App design

I really enjoyed making an app and I think I personally achieved many goals within this project. This could be something I could look into further and do something similar for my FMP. The pros to this is that I have already had experience in this before so I could extend my knowledge in this sector. Cons to this would be I just recently done this project and I want to try something new, the whole reason for this project is for me to look into a different media industry and learn new skills within them.


The podcast is another potential idea because I really enjoyed doing this and learnt so many skills when doing it such as communication skills and listening skills. The pros to this is that I listen to many podcasts myself daily so I already know a fair amount of knowledge on it and I could expand it by doing more research in it.

Film poster

This is something I enjoyed very much, although it was very interesting I want to do something like this again but a bit different such as a magazine.


Overall I would like to try something different such as a magazine because this is something i have not done before and I want to learn more about it. A magazine has similarity's to the projects I have done this in the past such as film posters. I could do film posters again but switching it up a bit such as magazines gives me the chance to learn about a whole other industry and how it works.

I enjoyed doing the app project the most because I got to design whatever I wanted and work the way that suits me best. I learnt many skills during my top 3 projects such as being more creative and these projects have also taught me how to manage my time and reach deadlines. The podcast project was something I enjoyed because I got to create it myself and manage my time and how organized I was and this is something that helps me work. During the podcast project, I learned many skills such as communication and this is something I would like to work on a bit more because I am especially interested in this industry. The film posters were very enjoyable and interesting because they taught me prime skills on how to use certain software such as photoshop, photoshop is something I will most certainly be using again and I am glad that I have gained these skills.

The reason why I highlighted certain skills such as communication, photoshop, and more is because I am interested in learning more about them and feeling more confident within these skills so I would like to work on these so I can apply them confidently to my other projects.

Magazine Cover/ Why have you chosen this

New Recording 11 (1)

Task 2



Magazine cover practice

Elements to include
  1. Masthead.

  2. Issue and dateline.

  3. Main image.

  4. Lead article.

  5. Supporting cover lines.

  6. Bar code.


what went well

I think overall it went very well, I was especially pleased about how well the image went with the title and text font.


was it as easy/hard as you thought

I found it very difficult at first because to design this I used a new bit of software called InDesign and I have never used this before. I struggled to stretch the image to fill up the whole page because if it was stretched to much then the image would become unclear and pixilated.


what would you do differently next time

Next time I would of used different colours for the text instead of black because the image was very colourful so I think the text needs to be too.


did you enjoy making it

Yes, I did enjoy making it because not only did I get to practice and understand what i need to include when making this but I also learnt a new skill such as how to use this new bit of software. I'm glad I have gained this skill because this will have a massive positive effect when making my magazine.


did you develop skills doing it, if so which

I learnt how to use InDesign so when i come to making my magazine this bit of software will be very useful. InDesign has been a useful skill to have when creating and practicing a magazine because I can express my ideas on this software before making anything permeant. 


did you use someone else to help, if so what assistance did you need

Most of this was by myself but as this was a new bit of software to me what i have never used before i asked some people who had a greater understanding of this software more than me. I was also shown how to operate this software by a YouTube video what I looked at.



if you spent 6 weeks making this type of product to a much higher standard would you be proud of the result

I 100% think that i could make this look a lot better in many different ways, such as making the image more clear and making the colour of the font fit the picture. I also believe that if i had more time to do this i could think about it more and add more details to the poster to make it more effective.



is this still the thing that you most want to make, if not, what else should you try?

Yes, this is something i am still very much interested in doing this for my final major project because practicing this has only made me more interested and i have now got a greater understanding off what components and elements make a successful magazine. This has also helped me to decide what i want my final magazine to contain. I will be carrying on this project because i am very much interested and i want to learn more.


What does the mark scheme say the key areas to get good marks are?

As I am aiming for a distinction the marks for that say to have a comprehensive and deep understanding off each segment throughout this project.



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