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Task 3

A review of your progress and achievement to date

Through this media course I really enjoyed making film posters. Film posters was very much enjoyable for me and I got to learn many skills through out it, although I have the option to gain more knowledge on creating film posters I would like to gain more skills about graphic design but creating something different. 


Initial Ideas

Before I came to my final idea I was going to do either film posters or a podcast. I thought about doing film posters because when I first joined the course this was the first project and I really enjoyed it. I also thought about doing a podcast because this was one of my top 3 what I enjoyed and I gained many skills what I thought I wouldn't get so this encouraged me to do this again.


Media Type

For my FMP I would like to make a magazine cover and double page spread. I have already practiced making a front cover of a magazine and this has given me an idea of the sorts of things I need to do when creating my real one. I also want to learn more and get better at graphic design because this is something that interests me very much and I'm curious to know where these skills can take me. My magazine is going to be about men's fashion so my target audience will be young men.


Media length/duration/page count

For my page count I am going to create 3 pages. The first page what will be known as the front cover will be the main page where more is displayed and then I will create a double page spread after the front cover and this will hold most of the content. I thought about making the three pages about the inside of a magazine but I thought to really understand the content inside of the magazine you will need to understand what the magazine is so that's when the front cover will be useful.


The project concept and rationale (why you’re doing it)

I'm making this FMP on a magazine because this is something that interests me and I'm curious to learn about what makes a good magazine. I'm also making this because I want to learn about the industry, by doing this project I will gain more skills on certain media software's and this will be useful to me because I can then take this on in later life.



I have had inspiration from many magazines I have read in the past and magazines I reading at the moment such as, Men's Vogue and Men's Journal. I am most interested in these because they are about fashion and this is something I want to learn about more because I'm making a magazine on men's fashion.


What skills have you developed or need to develop to make sure you can create the FMP?

Through this media course I have gained skills on graphic design and this is a massive advantage for me to apply to this project. Using different software's such as illustrator and InDesign has helped me to gain more skills within graphic design and when I come to make my magazine I can use these skills to make it the best as possible.


Why is your FMP relevant and what is its cultural impact?

My FMP will be very relevant because I am going to bring attention to cultural problems such as magazines not being as diverse as they could be. I am going to use different ethnicities for my magazine because I want to show that all ethnicities can be in these magazines and this will address the problem of representations.

What is the genre and theme of your FMP? How are you going to follow conventions to make your FMP

connect to genre and theme? ​

The genre of my magazine is men's fashion, to make sure I follow the right conventions for a fashion magazine I will need to include attractive models, popular fashion styles and my target audiences interests such as sports and more.


What would you judge as a ‘successful’ final project

What I would judge as a successful project would be to deliver great content to the readers, Simple and elegant placement of text with soothing images and basic colour scheme


Skills you want to develop

I would like to get better at graphic design, meaning understanding and expanding my knowledge on different software's such as illustrator and InDesign.


Pre-production documents needed

The pre production documents needed for my final major project would just simply involve planning and researching. I would have to research into what needs to be in a magazine and what makes it popular and stand out. The planning would be putting my ideas together and just practicing.




For my cover lines I am going to sure enigma codes to make sure that the reader catches a eye with the model on the front page. On the front page of my magazine I am going to have a male in fashionable vintage wear staring at the camera because this will make the reader feel connected with the person on my front page. When I come to take the picture I am going to either use a close up shot or a mid shot because these angles make the reader fell more relatable and connected to the man on the front. Certain fonts such as ones what are slightly tilted or ones that have a design on are the sort of fonts I am looking for because this way it will grab my audiences attention. Using a basic font such as ( Avenir Light) does not stand out and makes the page boring, when using fonts with something a bit more too them like (Damion or comic stans) it makes the page look more interesting.


Target audience 








My Final major project is going to be a magazine on men's fashion,  this will include up to date fashion and stylish popular clothes for men. The target audience for my magazine will be mostly for men who enjoy trying out different clothes and who have common knowledge on fashion and different style.


For my magazine, I want to challenge the stereotype of masculinity. Society stereotypes men to be strong non-emotional fearless people when in fact this is not true. To challenge this stereotype I can include different clothes that can be seen as more feminine because that is why it shows being a man does not mean wearing a suit that shows the power or anything that shows dominance. To make sure i address this i will use some clothes what are not just made for men (unisex clothes).

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