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Do you know what you’re going to produce?

I am going to produce a short film; the duration of this short film will be 2 to 3 minutes.

What is the finished product?


The genre of my short film will be horror because this is something I personally enjoy myself so to get the chance to make it would be good for me.

Do you like the product? Do you read/watch it yourself?

Personally, I watch a lot of horror films myself and I really enjoy them. I also like to listen to horror podcasts and read books what consist of horror.


Do you know who it’s for? (audience)

Many different ages watch horror films but the most popular age group for horror films are usually teenagers 12-18.



How do you define it in detail

 A horror film usually should be watched in fear and not sitting comfortably through the whole experience, horror films should make the audience scared and jump in fear. Horror films can also leave people in suspense and confusion. All these details what make a horror film what they are is what I want to put in my short film.



Do you know what skills you’re going to develop?

Technical (eg Photoshop, InDesign, Maya)

Confidence will get better because I am going to have to work with others and speak put if there is a problem

Use of equipment- feel more confident using a camera and understand how it works

Storyboarding- writing a good storyboard so that when I come to make the film it doesn’t ned to be difficult or stressful because its all planned out.

Organisation- Staying organised and not messy or it could get confusing

Communication- speak to others and work together how to make a really good short film.




Resources you may need

Camera, tripod, sound, lighting

Time- having a good time management and making sure everything stays on track

Money (ask your teacher)- If I need props such as blood or costumes money funded by the school can help.

Do you know what College can provide 







Using this adobe premiere

I am going to make a short horror film what will be 2 to 3 minutes long. I am going to use actors and different props to create a creepy short film. I am going to ask different people to take part in this short film since I will be producing, directing and filming. I am choosing to do the genre horror because this is something I think is very effective on a film and the audience get a higher reaction when the film is horror because it can make the viewer feel uneasy and scared.

I am Influenced by many different horror films, but one is Stephen king because all his films are similar in the sense of, they are creepy and leave the audience in suspense. The target audience will be mostly aimed at the younger generation such as teenagers (12-18) this is because horror films are watched and enjoyed mostly by this group of people.

The format for my short horror film will be posted on YouTube (digital). The format I chose will be YouTube because most short horror films are posted on this website and its best suited for me.

The main software I will be using is premier pro because this is great for editing clips and making a film look professional.

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