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My aim during this production is to improve my directing skills, such as being organised and taking on responsibilities and facing problems. I would also like to make the audio sound good because this is something i have been nervous about doing but the main aim is to improve my directing kills.

Act 1-Filming day, 6/12/22

Today we filmed act 1, i first got my actors to read through the script and feel comfortable with it. The shooting was stressful at first because i was doing a lot on my own. Something what was also very challenging was the fact that we only had one small mic so every scene we had to keep changing. 

Act 1-Editing Act 1

Once i got all the shots and audio i downloaded it onto my computer, i then labeled the clip corresponding with the audio because this way when i come to edit the first act it will be easier and more organised. I am choosing to edit the first act before shooting the second one because this way i can look on what i need to improve on and what needs changing. Although i am too happy with the lighting its not that bad and the fact that i had to do the majority of this and my main role directing i think it turned out quite well.

Editing the audio down to the bits i need

Labeling the audio corresponding to the clip 

These clips match with the audio number, this way i wont be confused when editing.

Act 1- Merging the audio

The first problem I came across was merging the audio with the clip, to solve this problem I watched some YouTube videos and they explained it.

I had feedback from a teacher and what he suggested was to add more scenes to make tension such as the front of the house, he also said when they are speaking on the phone make them react to what each other were saying. This has been useful feedback and I will definitely be applying it to my film. 

Although my main focus is directing the audio went so well and I am very happy with how it turned out. 



At first I was apprehensive on the lighting but after I spoke to a teacher they thought the lighting was a good addition to the film and its not a massive problem when my main focus is directing.

Act 1-Sound effects

For my sound effects I will be using 

When I came to paste my effects into the film I didn't know how to turn the volume down on it so I watched a video on how to do it.

This was very useful and straight forward , I now understand how to do this. Right click on the clip and press audio gain and turn the number down.

Act 1-Making of act 1

From taking on the role as a director I have learnt how important it is to be organised. To make sure I hit this goal I used a digital clapper board and this has been super useful because when I cam to label the clips I didn't have to try and identify what clip goes with what but the clapper board has kept me organised throughout act 1.

Act 1- Staying organised

As a director it is my job to make sure everyone is free on the days we are shooting, I have confirmed the next time I am shooting and all the cast and crew can make it.

I made files to save the clips and audio too, this way they are all labelled and organised and no confusion will occur.

Act 1- Sound editing

I am so happy how the sound tuned out, I thought by using a Smart Lav microphone the sound would not work well because of rubbing to the clothing. I chose to use this because I was taking on many roles myself when doing my best at the main role (director), the sound was very clear and I'm very happy how it turned out.

00:00 / 00:01
Camera microphone 
SmartLav mircrophone
00:00 / 00:04

The microphone was a massive success because the audio quality is so much better than the camera quality.

Act 1-Adding in more scenes

To extend the film out a bit more I took some shots of the house so this can be used between some scenes. I also took a shot of the be real notification because then its more self explanatory that it is a app rather than it being made up.

Act 1-Making a intro

I wanted to make a creepy intro, do this i watched some videos off YouTube on how to do it. I chose to do this because it slowly builds up the tension and doesn't throw you straight into the film.

This video was very useful because before I had no idea how to create text and put them on the screen. By watching this video I have learnt how to change the font of text and how to animate what I want the text to do.

Act 1-Review of Act 1

As my main role is a director I am very happy how it tuned out. I think I have been very productive in the sense of making sure my cast know what they need to be doing, organising and making things run smoothly. On a couple of scenes I am not too happy with the camera, the camera is tilted a bit. This is something I would like to change so when I have my cast round on Sunday I will amend this. There was another scene when she takes a picture of herself, when I took the clapper away it made the camera lighting go all dark and I'm not happy with this so I will be changing it. Overall I am very happy with how act 1 has turned out.


Before I film act 2 I will be reshooting these scenes so they look good.

Act 2 Day 14/12/22
Act 2-Checking equipment before shooting

Before I start to use the camera I wanted to wipe the footage from it because I have already got it on my computer and I want to stay organise for the next act and not get the clips mixed up. 

Card swiped ready for act 2 footage.

Act 2-Battery

By the looks of it I have got enough battery to film act 2. I have got a back up battery pack if needed. I have no idea how to change it so I thought I would learn how to just in case I have to cross this bridge.

Act 2-Checking Script

By me labelling scene by scene this is helping me stay organised and when I come to edit it makes it so much more easier. I highlighted in different colours for the actors to because then its easier for them to identify their lines.

Act 2-Checking in on my actors
Reshooting some scenes from Act 1
Old- blurry
Old- tilted
New- Not blurry
New- not tilted

I'm going to watch them both in the film and decide on what one looks better, I am very glad I have done a reshoot so i can compare.

Act 2-Problem

My actress was very ill and not giving a good performance so I had to wrap it up for the day. I have now rescheduled for it to happen on the 16/12/22, this is final and has to happen. I'm glad I made this decision because I don't want her to give a poor performance and part of a director is making sure everyone is happy and the film goes to plan. 


I got the reshoots from act 1 so today was still worth it and productive.


I have also got to see if I can use the equipment over the Christmas holidays due to my film delay.

Act 2- staying organized 
Keeping audio in one file
Labelling the scenes by number order
Using the clapper to keep track of what scene 
Act 2- locations
Act 2- filming 15/12/22

This was a bit stressful because we had to film it all in one night, one of the actors was not feeling great still but we had to film it due to the fact that the equipment had to be returned on 16/12/22

The clapper was super useful because it kept me organized and it tells me where we are at and what needs doing next.

Act 2- editing

The first thing I done was put everything on in order so i don't get confused. I then matched the clips with the audios, these audios turned out really well like act 1.



Act 2, sound effects

As act 2 is in a different area of the house I want the background to sound different, I chose this one because its quieter and brings out the actors voices more.

The amount of sound effects used

Act 2- 911 operator voice over

I thought I would film this last because its a easier part of the production 

911 operator
4 999
00:00 / 00:01
5 999
00:00 / 00:04

Quality came out very well.

Act 2- reshoots

This audio came out really badly so I will be reshooting it.

00:00 / 00:02
New one
9 new
00:00 / 00:02
3 999
00:00 / 00:03

I am reshooting this audio scene because it does not make sense in the film.

New one
999 who’s in your house
00:00 / 00:02
Draft 1
Feedback- Tom Woodcock

Make the 999 operator voice sound like she is on the phone


Add some scenes of the house between clips to create tension


Slow down the last scenes, too quick

Applying the feedback

This video was super helpful and I applied the phone voice onto my characters voice and it now sounds much better.

I used a effect called high pass and this gave the sound of someone speaking on the phone and makes the whole scene seem more realistic.

To space the film out and to not make it feel rushed i put the clip of the front of the house in between some clips so its not feeling rushed. I also just had a black screen between clips because this creates tension and some of my feedback was to make more tension.

When it cuts to this shot I added a sound effect of trees rustling to create more tension.

Draft 2
Change lighting on some scenes, make it lighter-mostly act 2


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