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The target audience I am going to be aiming at will be teenagers (12-18) this is because horror films are mostly watched by this generation, therefore this short film will be for them. Horror films are and can be watched by any age but statically teenagers endure with horror films more than a grown up would. To make this stand out to my target audience I am going to include actors who are similar age to the viewers and make it creepy because this will bring the viewers in more. The conventions I am going to have to look into to make sure I get my target audience attention is build tension, this will keep them interested with the film and not get board. Personally speaking from being a teenager in a horror film lots of speaking is boring, action makes it more interesting and keeps me watching it.


The main role I will be taken on during this project is a director, I would like to do this because I'm interested in what they do and would also like a future career path towards one. Director is the main focus for me and I want to improve my organisation skills and being prepared not only for me but for my actors as well.


I am influenced by many different writers to horror films but someone in particular, Stephen king stands out the most to me. Stephen king is a massive inspiration to me because of his famous films and how they make the audience feel on edge and uneasy. I would like to have the same affect on my viewers when they watch my short horror film so someone like king will definitely be someone I will think about when coming to create my film. Something what inspires me about being a director is that I can take the lead and be in charge, this is something I think will benefit me because I can  make things happen how I want it to happen and this way I will work well.


The biggest inspiration for me in Steve Levitan, he is a American director who has directed many famous shows such as golden girls, modern family and more. He is a massive inspiration to me because he has directed my favourite show modern family. This interests me very much how it works and what does he do to make the show as it is, this is one reason why I want to take on the directing role and exigence what it is like. This will factor into my film because I am inspired by the way modern family is filmed different and makes you feel like you are following the family everywhere you go, although mine will be different some camera techniques that are most commonly used in modern family such as the tracking shot will be used in my film to create tension.


















The length of this is going to be 2-3 minutes long, this is simply because its called short film which means the duration of this is not long. I am going to have to get to the climax quickly because 2 to 3 minutes is not long so to try and fit this whole short film in that amount of time will be difficult.


Through this project I would like to gather more skills on being a director. This will mean i will over see the whole production and make so the actors know how they are doing, I will make sure the actors get to read out the script and we will shoot some practise scenes before shooting the real one so they can identify their mistakes and correct them. this is the main role I will be taken part on throughout this project . I would also like to expand on my knowledge on technical skills such as how to use different software's such as Adobe Premiere and Adobe audition. I would like to improve on these skills because I think by using these software's it can really help bring out the best in my short film and I want to make this the best I can so I would like to improve my skills on the technical area. Adobe premiere will be the main software I am going to be suing during this project so this is something I am hoping by the end I can say I have gained skills on this software and can use it confidently.


The time frame for my FMP will be difficult because I'm not just responsible for myself but I'm responsible for my actors and when they can do, this will be a challenge but I will stay organised and make sure on my time frame I will designate  days to film and I will let the actors know in advance to make sure they can do it. To ensure my time is managed well and for me to understand what I have completed i am going to be doing  reflections of every lesson in collage and any time I work outside of the classroom so that at the end of the project I can reflect and this will include me critically evaluating on what I have done well and also what I could have improved on throughout this project. I will reflect on what I have done in that week and how I have done it and what went well and what I need to improve on for the next lesson so then this way I have a target to focus on and improve. 


To me success will be if I know I have tried and given this 100%, if I give this my all and do my best I know I have succeeded and produced a good project. I will also know I have succeeded if I achieve at least a merit. Another success point for me is knowing I have learnt new skills within the job of a director such as being organised and making sure everything runs smoothly (being in charge).


I would like to do better this year because last year I achieved a pass on my FMP and I was not happy with this at all. This year I  think I need to be a bit more organised in the sense of plan what I am going to do each lesson and not walking in confused on what needs to be done. This FMP I will make sure everything is organised and planned out before I do anything. I also think I will do better this year because I have a interest within film and last year what I done was not a massive interest to me, directing is something what is very interesting to me and I have a passion for it so this time I feel positive about learning and overcoming problems I may face within the director job.


For clients I am going to use classmates to give me feedback and tell me the areas I can improve on. This is more beneficial to me because I can get feedback quicker if they are my classmates.

The support I will need to make this project happen is actors and possibly some funding for costumes and fake blood.


The research methods that will use consist of primary and secondary research. Within my research I will include things such as surveys, questionnaires and interviews. I will be using different sources such as articles and stories from various different websites and books. I will use a range of books and websites to do this research as well as creating a survey and getting people to answer it. Furthermore, I will use all these to help to create an engaging plot for my short film. 


During the making of my short horror film will make sure to use a range of camera angles and shot types to make it engaging for the target audience. Something what is crucial to me is that i follow all of my pre-production paperwork such as the script and shot plan to ensure that the footage i am going to capture from my film is high quality and also engages the target audience.


In my recent projects what I have done on this media course I have used a website called Trello to keep me organised and manage what I need to do, for this FMP i am going to use Trello again because that way I can stay on track and understand what has been done and what has not.

Creators of Modern Family 

I have chosen to do a short film for my FMP because this is something I have not done a lot of. Short films is a great fit for me because I am interested in how they are made and the industry. Something I would like to explore while doing this project is how they make short films look very professional and done at a vey high standard. A short film is usually 20 mins or less, I am doing a 2-3 minute one because this is my first time and I need to manage my time and to do it longer than 3 minutes would take up a lot of my time. The main idea is a short horror film (location not established) and it will be 2-3 minutes long. The characters involved will be 2-3 gender not specific and the ending will be a jump scare. The initial idea for my film is that a girl (Harriet) takes her a picture of herself using a app called Be Real ( this app is where everyone who has purchased the app get a notification at some point in the day, when that notification goes off then you have to take a picture of yourself in that exact moment in time).This will be a good idea because I will have a mysterious figure standing in the background and this is what the main story will be about. I will be the first person to make a short film including the app of Be Real due to the fact it is a new app. Harriet will search the house and try to find out who is in the house and then she will be confronted at the end of the film. The equipment I will be suing for this project to work is a camera, microphone and possibly lighting equipment if needed. 

Smart targets


I would like to improve my directing skills and learn new skills. I would also like to improve my organisation skills, taking on the role as a director you need to be very organised and keep everything in line so throughout this project I would like to make sure I am very organised.


I will be tracking my work while doing this project by creating a reflect log, this will help me stay in track so I know what I have done and what I haven't. I will also be using trello to keep myself organised in the sense of what I need to do.


i think as part of being a director is taking action to make sure you reach the goal so I will defiantly be doing this. How I'm going to do it i will organise and set dates for when certain things are happening so all my actors and crew are aware and so we reach my goal.


I all ready know I am going to bet stressed because I work better when I am stressed but by using a calendar and trello  I will know what is happening each day.


T- I would like to get all the production done before Christmas holidays and then I can do the reflective log over the holidays




  1. To make sure my short horror film was planned and followed the correct way i wrote it/planned it.

  2. To make sure the quality is at a high standard to get that cinema professional effect.

  3. To feel more confident using adobe premeire and produce a good bit of editing.

  4. To be critical to myself when evaluating so i know the areas i need to improve on and focus on.

Trello- organisation

The feedback section is for when i get feedback i can write it down and then i can complete it without forgetting.

Staying organised while doing proposal

Staying organised on Wix
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